Customer Appreciation Posters

Quad/Graphics wanted to show its appreciation to a couple of print clients who had been with the company for a year. So the Imaging manager tasked me with creating these posters. Rendered in Photoshop.

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Mettler Toledo Utopia Product Brochure

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Terry Robie Communications

The owners of TRIAD were aviation enthusiasts and amateur pilots, so this aviation motif seemed perfect when the company’s website was built in 1997.

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APPA Magazine Illustration

The article was about solving problems with the reliability of power transmission, and it needed an illustration. I rendered this jigsaw puzzle entirely in Photoshop. My immediate manager was impressed enough to ask me for a Photoshop lesson to show him how I accomplished it.

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APPA 60th Anniversary Album

The American Public Power Association is the service organization for the more than 2,000 U.S. community-owned electric utilities. It was created in September 1940 to represent the common interests of these utilities, and for its 60th anniversary, I was tasked with creating this album describing those early days of the organization.

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